After a longtime family friend is wrongly accused of involvement in a Houston riot and mutiny, Drake Paladín vows to get the best attorney money can buy. That lawyer is none other than Roger Clarendon, known not only for his legal prowess but his insufferable arrogance as well. When the drunken attorney makes an aggressive pass at Drake's wife, Angel, Drake breaks Roger open like a shotgun. The violent scuffle results in Roger's father, Honorable Justice Brighton Clarendon of the Supreme Court, warning the Paladíns that politics is dirty business.
From hereon, the Paladíns see failures and sabotage in all their business ventures. Eventually, even The Barony is in peril, and the Paladins don’t take too kindly to that idea. After all, Paladíns fought and won the right to their land at the battle of San Jacinto.
But this battle to exterminate the Clarendon roaches that have infected the U.S. legal system takes Preston Paladín all the way to the bowels of pre-war Germany—and the disarming charms of Fabienne Allaman, a Nazi resistance fighter. But on whose side is she really? And dare he risk The Barony and the fates of all the Paladíns for this possible femme fatale when his ancestral Fiona Flanagan had all too often admonished, “Family is Everything?"